Friday, October 23, 2009

Assignment 8

I find Google to be more user friendly, like most people I go with what I know... but wolfram seems to work well enough. Both engines have there own idiosyncrasies. Wolfram is a bit more straightforward and I will use it in conjunction with Google to make a more informed synopsis.

1. All english words containing the letters "eue"

12 words found.

a. banlieue
b. banlieues
c. feued
d. queue
e. queued
f. queueing
g. queueings
h. queuer
i. queuers
j. queues
k. subfeued
l. unfeued

according to, results for all english words containing "eue". Wolframalpha unable to compute question.

2. How much potassium in 4.7 oz of banana?

477 mg.

Both engines turned up results, although Wolfram showed no irrelevant info as Google did.

3. How old was Barack Obama on the day you were born?

Wolfram was more accurate on this one...Google has a copius amount of results and I did not want to search through to find the results that I am almost certain were there.

He was 19 yrs 11 mo. 4 days old the day I was born.

4. Date and time of the next total solar eclipse in Eugene?

I wonder if I will remember to look up in the sky at 11:25 PDT, Monday, August 21, 2017.

Both engines delivered accurate results.

5. What is the minimum and maximum price of google stock since it went public?

Wolfram could not churn up any results for a minimum figure. Google's initial price $85. The both agreed with the stock high of $741.79.

6. Link an image of the barcode for UPC 01234567890

7. How many vertices does an icosahedron have?


8. Distance from Eugene to Tokyo?

4886 miles.

9. Average Oregon income per capita?


10. What is the Morse code for your first name?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

@ Oregon State TKD Championship 2006

Watch out... that's all I keep saying.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The internet in all of its glory is like a pivotal universal highway truckstop complete with pasty pink urinal pucks.

Free Gun?

Everybody everywhere is withering their lives away wastefully on the wantons of the necessity of needlessly poking, prying, and prodding, reporting, covering, and exploiting of other people's lives... its just idiocracy in real life. Ow my Balls!

Maybe just maybe the humans will place in the top 3 in the big race?

And now for something completely different!
I do like to peruse sites of shocking and tasteless plaque like buildup on the enamel we call humanity... but I also like to maximize on the potential for converging multiple stones and birds
all the whilst remaining mostly full of almost witless wit. has been a humorous and copious source for spite and laughter. One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish.
Cheerio and all that, Pip Pip, there is no need for any of that noise there then now is there?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Check it out!

I can respect the countless hours athletes of this caliber put into not only their training but also what they sacrifice in order to achieve what seems unattainable to most. But these athletes serve as beacons of hope to the fledgling masses of martial arts... who one day hope to achieve a glimmer or shine to their respective discipline.
Its just sometimes even monkeys showoff.

Testing Testing

bold text

red text

italic text